As part of my project I was assigned to implement fingerprint authentication to android app. Since this app should support different countries I had to add the translations text to this dialog also. That's where I encountered a problem which took me more time than I expected. Although Setting title, subtitle and few other messages were easy, setting few strings were not easy as I thought.
This is the easy part.
val biometricPromptInfo = BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder()
.setTitle("Main Title")
.setSubtitle("Here is subtitle")
.setDescription("This is the description")
Which gives us following dialog prompt.
We can surely add the translations for all the gives setters. But I couldn't get a setter for "Touch the fingerprint sensor". This is where I began to search how could I change this text and add translation for that text. Since there was no search result for this particular problem in internet, I searched in the android files. I found the string value for this TextView which is highlighted, in a generated file located in
so the rest was easy. I have added string with same id with desired values in mu strings.xml files.
Later I also found this link on github which could be useful.
Hope this is useful to someone.
Happy coding :) ......